Life Coach and Therapeutic Consultant
Can often demobilize us from reaching our God-ordained journey. We, at times can find ourselves extremely dismissive of an event or circumstance that occurred in a particular phase of our lives.
Grant it, there are situations that may have occurred in our lives that does need the accompanying of medication, licensed expertise, and/or a clinical professional. However, there are situations that aren't as extreme and could potentially be resolved through a step by step practical Mediator or approved Life Coach.
Depending upon the severity of the trauma should be the basis of how one makes the decision to seek the necessary assistance.
In my own life, as I penned Innocence of A Child, I found that writing (a practical step), helped to assist me.
Another method I used was to incorporate my spiritual relationship with Christ to help shed clarity on what I may have been going through. And, sometimes, all it takes is a LISTENING EAR from someone who may have a personal experience with trauma themselves.
Note that, every experience is different. Tools and approaches should vary. But, in every case, we all just want someone who GENUINELY cares: Someone we believe possesses the insight, patience, and wisdom to help us to reach the finish line of hope!
Contact us at the form below for a free 5-minute consultation.